Kevi Rite Jaish

Zatun, an Indian based prominent video game developer, announces the release of their new game called ‘Kevi Rite Jaish’, based on the Indian Gujarati movie with the same name. ‘Kevi Rite Jaish’ is free to play Facebook game developed in Flash which features cute 2-D graphics and is entertaining.

krj main menu 600x450 - Facebook Game-Kevi Rite Jaish

Facebook Game link:

Facebook page link:

Movie Trailer Link

Its cheeky premise aside, ‘Kevi Rite Jaish’ basically follows the same conventions as the social games and is funny and addicting. In this game, the players have to make a total of 100 points in one minute to acquire the USA visa for immigration. The player has to click on four badges – the Statue of Liberty, American President Barrack Obama, “Patel’s Motel” signboard and Uncle Sam by which they will gain 5 points each. If they click on other badges they lose points and time. The irony of being obsessed about going to the USA is rather amusing. The animations are wonderful, and players will be treated to wondrous scenes throughout the game. Like most Facebook games, ’Kevi Rite Jaish’ is still carefully engineered to entice players into playing the game, but it brings its unique sense of playfulness and mischief to the genre.

About Film

‘Kevi Rite Jaish’ is a Gujarati comedy-drama. It is a satire on the enthrallment and fixation of the Patels — a Gujarati farmer community — of migrating to the USA. Over the last half-century, millions of Patels have migrated to the USA and have come to dominate its Motel industry by way of hard work and tenaciousness. The story revolves around one such Patel families and its multitudinous tries to immigrate to states.

Shot over 32 locations across Ahmedabad, India the film vaunts of an image of urban contemporary Gujarati film which connects with a story of every Gujarat household. Movie fans can check out the movie trailer on YouTube.