3 Tips to Niftier Game Development
Today, video games are as much a reality as offline games. As we enjoy both breaking a leg on the soccer field as much as we do while playing the Final Kick. We have come a long way with some incredible video game development success stories – but it still is a niche market, where only the best win. The competition is not local but global and doesn’t forget the other interesting apps that can kill into online gaming.
Here, we look keenly into this big lousy market. And, we try to understand how to go about ensuring the smartest and most dynamic game development to stay ahead in the league. What does it take to make a game that not just attracts but engages at a deeper level and wins more new games?
1 – Zero on the gamer not game idea
Yes, you read that right! Why the gamer and not the game? Simple. Because game development is a study of the art of understanding the minds of the users. A cool game idea may do well creatively but not necessarily financially. So, analyse which gamers are more probably to like what. This piece of target grouping is going to make your spreadsheets happy and your pockets warm. Game development studios often take this step at the very onset even before they develop a game development idea.
Tip 2 – Focus on the game USP
What will make gamers gravitate towards your game? Yes, those little points are what it takes to beat the competition, no matter how hard it is. Be it a Unity Game Development, Oculus Rift Game Development or Virtual Reality Game Development, you need to identify ways that will help set your game away from the crowd, more importantly on top of the chart. Look at elements that gamers won’t find elsewhere and perk it up with a good twist – either elevate their gaming experience or fix some pain points, either way, it is a win-win.
Tip 3 – Be trendy, be on top of technologies
Well, yes there are like hundred game technologies that you need to look at. But what will really hook your target? You will need to research well before you want to take up a game development project. Look at what kind of games have rocked at the game stores, or what kind of games are likely to stand the test of ever coming time. Capture that trend even before it appears on the horizon. At the same time focus on those technologies that are robust, resilient and entirely reworkable.
Zatun is your out-of-the-box, friendly next-door game development studio that humbly helps you find a gem that will shine brighter than the rest. Contact us today, to see how we can help.